

Just YES means YES


In connection with Women's Day, the Board organized the Samfundsmeeting "you didn't say no" on 9 March, to put the topic of consent-law back on the agenda. Already in 2018, Samfundet established that sex without consent is rape and the ongoing development of a consent law makes the topic very relevant again. Those working with a consent law seem to have ended up with a "no-is-no" model. It appears at the samfundsmeeting that the "no-is-no" model places the burden of proof on the victim to a greater extent. It is also common to have freeze reactions during rape, which will not result in a clear "no" or resistance. In such situations, there will still be an absence of a "yes". A consent law based on "Only yes-is-yes" will give us a law that makes it possible to judge that sex without consent is rape - which, according to introducer Thea Myhrer, also coincides with large parts of the population's definition of what rape is. Let's increase legal protection and get a consent law based on "only-yes-means-yes!"

You can see the exact wording of the proposal here:

"Studentersamfundet gathered for the samfundsMeeting on 9 March 2024 believes that Norway must introduce a consent act based on the "only yes is yes" model. This model requires that only a yes is enough to obtain consent, which will protect victims of abuse to a greater extent than is done today and with a "no is no" model. A consent law must be based on the fact that only yes is yes and will make it easier for victims to report and be taken care of. It will also prevent confusion or discussion about whether the victim has actually said no, or has simply frozen in the situation."

The proposal has been put forward by members Hannah Kleiven, Serena Guler, Kasper Søreide, Jennifer Shala and Lea Lauvland Longva.

The voting result was as follows: 103 for, 0 against, 0 blanks - And with that the proposal passed!
