

Guide to change

As a member of the Samfundet, you get the opportunity to influence how the Samfundet should be run and what we should work towards politically. But it is not always as easy to get information on how to do this! This is therefore a small guide to see how YOU can achieve change.

First of all, it is good to know what you are entitled to as a member. All members of the Samfundet have the right to vote, speak and make proposals at the Samfundet meetings. The community meetings are weekly general meetings where you can influence change and make statements. These meetings take place weekly at 18 on Saturdays., as long as the Samfundet is open. This is also a fun affair, so recommend making the trip to check it out! There you can come and have your say on matters big and small (right to speak), ask both proposals and questions about operations and politics (right to propose) and vote on proposals (right to vote). If a proposal is to go through, 100 votes are needed for the proposal and a general majority.

Would you like to propose a resolution? These are proposals that say something about what the Samfundet should think about politics in the wider world. This could be declaring a climate crisis, that the night bus does not have enough departures or that Norway should have a clearer voice in global debates. If you get the proposal through, you have made it clear that this becomes something the Studentersamfundet stands for and in this way gets all 18,000 members behind this policy. Otherwise, the Board will work actively to promote the resolution and bring about change. If you propose a resolution, this must be sent to the Board ( at least 4 days before the meeting, and the Board will then take it up at the first opportunity.

What about an internal opinion? Perhaps you are more interested in changing how Samfundet is run? In that case, the proposal you make will fall under an internal expression of opinion. There can be proposals about finances, donations, purchases and everything else that affects the internal activities here at the Studentersamfundet. The Board and the Council will then endeavor to introduce the proposal into the Society's operations. If you make an internal statement of opinion, this must be sent to the Board ( at least 4 days before the meeting, and the Board will then take it up at the first opportunity.
Samfundet should grant money! Yes, we can! By submitting a proposal for the use of the fighting fund, the Society can grant up to 10% of the total fund. Recently, NOK 15,000 was given by the Samfundet fighting fund (corresponding to 10%) to Doctors without borders work with the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean. There are no restrictions on the number of times we can apply for use of the fighting fund in a semester, but there is a requirement that it is a case that needs quick support and not for the operation of permanent organisations. If you submit a grant proposal, this must be sent to the Board ( at least 4 days before the meeting, and the Board will then take it up at the first opportunity.

What if I want to change the Samfundet laws? You can also send pre-sales on that! Bills must be posted on the Student Association's noticeboards at least one week before it comes up for consideration and announced at the Association meeting in exact wording and with information on the name of the person making the proposal. Before the final vote on a legislative proposal, the Council must consider it (see §9). The council's statement must be made known before voting. The bill cannot be taken up for a new vote in the Student Association until at least eight weeks have passed since the previous vote, if a majority in the hall voted against the proposal. Winding up can only be changed after a decision at two consecutive general meetings.

Maybe you just have a question you want answered? Then you can ask an interpellation <3 Interpellations are questions about the Student Association's internal affairs, addressed to the Board, another body or a single union representative. The person to whom the interpellation is directed can, before he or she answers, demand that he or she be explained at the meeting.

You also have the opportunity to express no confidence in the governing bodies and trustees of the Society and to send pre-sales for budget changes. Regardless of what you want to do, you will find more information in Samfundet laws ( The board also makes itself available to help you on the way to advancing your proposal.
