
Area Storsalen
Organizer Lørdagskomitéen
Lørdagskomitéen (LK)
Date 20. August 2016
Time 23:45 - 01:15
Ticket 140,- / 190,-
Age limit 18 years

KlubbPstereo: Lindstrøm

Lindstrom is one of the few Norwegian producers that enjoys a cult-like status within dance music.

It's quite impossible to pinpoint the exact origins of his musical originality, although traces might be found in the aforementioned background. Coming from gospel choirs, country and rock bands without any knowledge of dance music whatsoever, he entered the scene rather freed from any preconceived notions ofstyle and trend parameters. He hung on to the habit of making music by playing melodies on real instruments, and the fact that he plays all the instruments on his recordings - guitars, bass, keyboards, drums and percussion- enables him to make music inspired by whatever his influences are at the moment Last time wespoke to him he was mostly listening to 60s and 70s rock and pop, and he reckons that music from that era is much more interesting, both in terms of song writing and production values.

Lindstrom today enjoys a cult-like status within dance music circles, and although the humble guy himself seems quite happy doing what he loves on an underground scale, it will be an interesting watch to see what the future holds for the Norwegian talent.

Når lysene slukkes på marinen er natta ennå ung! Sammen med hele byens beste scener byr vi på et omfattende klubbprogram under Pstereohelgen, med rabattert inngang for deg med festivalbånd (Pstereo-pass gir medlemspris). Hold deg også oppdatert på festivalens hovedprogram på

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