
Area Storsalen
Organizer Lørdagskomitéen
Lørdagskomitéen (LØK)
Date 27. February 2016
Time 22:00 - 00:00
Ticket 270,- / 330,-
Age limit 18 years


Who would have thought a gang of faceless Swedes in cardinal capes would be the main subject of conversation within indie-communities, trend magazines and the metal underground? The band who have been hyped by prominent rockers like Foo Fighter's Dave Growl and Metallica front figure James Hatfield, is now coming to Samfundet hoping to leave a permanent mark on The Grand Hall.

A decadent and hash ­addicted poet once wrote, “What matters an eternity of damnation to someone who has found in one second the infinity of joy?” This is the only choice that matters. The devil’s fall came only after his great rebellion, a single and simple act of looking into the face of authority and saying, “I am glorious.” This was Satan’s ecstasy, but he embraced it knowing the punishment. Are you ready then, to join Papa Emeritus III in the pit, to proclaim your own splendor, feeling your wings melt as the last breath of the exclamation leaves your mouth?

Ghost is a 6­piece rock band that was formed in Sweden in 2008.
In 2010, they released a 3­track demo followed by a 7" vinyl titled "Elizabeth," and later their debut full­length album O pus Eponymous. The album was widely praised and increased their popularity significantly.
Their second album Infestissumam war released in 2013. The album was also certified Gold in Sweden.
Their new album Meliora wes released worldwide on August 21, 2015, to critical acclaim.

2015 also holds a grammy nomitation for "Best metal performance" for the Swedish rockers.

was discovered emerging from the darkness of the Swedish death metal abyss in 2004, the band immediately stood apart from what was already a crowded scene, betraying an uncompromising vision that refused to be shackled by any genre stereotypes. Their exhilarating 2009 debut album The Horror somehow managed to simultaneously conjure the spirits of such old masters as Morbid Angel, while still sounding absolutely fresh, its combination of death metal with thrash, heavy metal and even horror soundtrack influences earning it praising reviews.
Their much awaited 2013 follow-up The Formulas of Death saw the band beginning to spread their wings further, its 75 minute playing time offering a more epic and colourful approach than its predecessor, the progressive touches resulting in an almost cinematic journey while displaying abundant aggression and occult overtones.
Yet even with such a glowing track record, new album The Children of the Night, which was recorded, mixed and produced by Ola Ersfjord in several different Swedish studio locations (Studio Gröndahl, Honk Palace, Studio Cobra, Necromantic

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