
Area Storsalen
Organizer Samfundets Debattkomité
Samfundets Debattkomité (SDK)
Date 12. February
Time 19:00 - 20:30
Ticket Free entrance
Age limit 18 years

Onsdagsdebatt: Drill baby, drill?

This event will be held in Norwegian.

At the same time, the world is facing a climate crisis, and the pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is increasing. Many argue that oil exploration should be phased out to ensure a sustainable future, and that Norway must take the lead. Others claim that Norwegian oil production is among the cleanest in the world and can contribute positively to the global energy transition, in addition to the importance of democratic countries maintaining control over energy resources. Oil revenues are also crucial for securing the country's welfare benefits, with the current government budgeting 460.1 billion NOK from the oil fund to balance the national budget.

Should we stop all oil exploration to prioritize green transition, or is there still room for an oil industry in the green shift? How can we balance the considerations of economy, jobs, and the environment? And what consequences would phasing out Norwegian oil exploration have for the country's role in the global energy economy?

Joining us to discuss this are:

Guri Melby, leader of the Liberal Party (Venstre)
Andreas Bjelland Eriksen, Minister of Climate and Environment (Labour Party)
Terje Halleland, Member of Parliament for the Progress Party and member of the Energy and Environment Committee
Une Bastholm, former leader and current Member of Parliament for the Green Party (MDG), and member of the Energy and Environment Committee
Doors open at 18:45, and the event will be held in Storsalen. The event is free.

The meeting will be streamed on Samfundet’s YouTube channel. It will also be uploaded in its entirety to the YouTube channel afterward:

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