
Area Knaus
Organizer Lørdagskomitéen
Lørdagskomitéen (LØK)
Date 9. March 2024
Time 23:59 - 01:00
Ticket Ticket included with entrance
Age limit 18 (student), 20 (non-student)

Soundfocker // Knaus 23.59

Soundfocker is an instrumental trio that combines improvisation with evocative rhythms and club aesthetics. The musicians push the boundaries of what a trio can do and are on an eternal search for the most impossible sounds. The soundscape is electronic and experimental and the music is as easy to dance to as it is to get lost in it. The three musicians features in a wide variety of acts in the Norwegian music scene and released their first EP as a trio in february 2023.

De tre musikerne spiller med flere spennende acts på den norske musikkscenen og slapp sin debut EP «50undf0ck3r» 1. februar. Siden slippet har trioen blant annet blitt booket til Høydenfestivalen, Villvillvest og Camp Øya.

“[trioen] ble denne kvelden forent med et bankende og eksperimentelt hjerte som satte gnister i et publikum som sikkert hadde danset til beina ga etter om det ikke hadde vært for at det var som sild i tønne.” - Villvillvest

Keys - Markus Anskau

Bass - Erlend Tredal

Trommer - Bård Berg

Events at the Student Society can be adapted for visitors with movement and hearing impairment. See here for more information.
