

15,000 NOK to Doctors Without Borders

At Samfundsmøtet on 04.11.23, Storsalen decided to make use of the Studentersamfundets fighting fund, and to give NOK 15,000 to Doctors Without Borders for their work in the Mediterranean. The suggestion was presented for the first time at the Samfundsmøte "Flukten over Middelhavet" on 16/09/23. An overwhelming majority of votes was given, but as there were just under 100 members in the room, there was no quorum at this meeting. It was therefore decided to table the proposal again.

The wording of the proposal goes as follows (this is an translation):

"The Student Union in Trondhjem, gathered for the Community Meeting on Saturday 16 September 2023, hereby allocates NOK 15,000 (10%) from the Student Union's Combat Fund to Doctors Without Borders' rescue work in the Mediterranean. The central Mediterranean is one of the world's deadliest migration routes, yet many people still flee across the Mediterranean towards Europe. These people are in an extremely vulnerable situation. Funds that go to Doctors Without Borders' search and rescue work in the Mediterranean go both to the direct rescue work and to providing the necessary health care on board rescue ships."

The proposal has been put forward by Students Without Borders Trondheim
