

Gaza: the truth at the border

The Samfundet meeting 18. November will be about the situation in Palestine and Israel in the meeting “Gaza: sannhet i grenseland”. This means that the planned theme, “du sa ikke nei”- laws about consent in rape, will not happen this semester. But will be moved to the spring.

The board of Samfundet wishes to give the members å meeting arena for discussing the serious situation we see in the Middle East.

The discussion with our panelists will be about journalism in war. Is there such a thing as neutrality when reporting about war? Has norwegian media been successful in their covering of highly polarizing conflicts? What story is told to the residents the countries involved? The panel will be announced at a later time.

We invite all members of Samfundet and the citys other residens to listen and to share your views. We wish to be a place for free speech - and to do this it we want it to fell safe to use our platform to speak. Anyone who appears threatening to others might therefore get asked to leave.
