
Area Storsalen
Organizer Styret
Date 19. October
Time 18:00 - 20:00
Age limit 18 (student), 20 (non-student)

ISFiT presents: Doomsday

Are you worried about the future?

The Oxford-based philosopher Toby Ord estimates the probability of human extinction within the next hundred years to be 1 in 6. He points to climate change, nuclear war, uncontrollable AI, and bioweapons as likely culprits – perhaps all together in a delightful cocktail.

In a time of rising authoritarian tendencies and emerging populism, amplified by a global climate crisis, we must ask serious questions about the future of humanity. How does democracy stand in the face of existential threats like climate change, resource scarcity, and global conflicts? Can democracy adapt and survive in an increasingly complex world marked by polarization, disinformation, and geopolitical uncertainty?

Will unity and cooperation save us, or have we already gone too far? How can we navigate a world where both nature and politics seem to be in disarray? Can technology, which offers solutions to the climate crisis on one hand, simultaneously strengthen authoritarian regimes and undermine democratic values?

At the Samfundet meeting "Doomsday," we welcome Associate Professor at NTNU Elisabeth Lio Rosvold, NOREC Director Jan Olav Baarøy, and District Chief of the South Trøndelag Civil Defense, Erik Klomsten.

Doors open at 17:45. Entrance through the main door. The event is free for members and costs 50 NOK for non-members. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

The meeting will be streamed on Samfundet's YouTube channel and will be uploaded in its entirety afterward.

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