
Area Hele huset
Organizer Klubbstyret
Klubbstyret (KLST)
Date 12. August 2024
Time 16:00 - 02:00
Ticket Ticket included with entrance
Age limit 18 (student), 20 (non-student)

Program for the weeks after the nybygg opening

Look at all the exciting things that are happening after the opening of nybygg!

Monday 12.08
16:00 // Samfundet's history in 30 minutes with a guided tour // Vuelie
16:00 // The new Edgar in the new building opens for the first time! // Edgar
17:00 // Samfundet Quiz // Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
22:00 // Lyche Bar opens // Lyche
22:00 // Silent Disco // Storsalen

Tuesday 13.08
14:00 // Fadderuke Kick Off // Elgeseter park
16:00 // Edgar opens // Edgar
17:00 // Samfundet's history in 30 minutes with a guided tour // Vuelie
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
22:00 // Concert: Roc Boyz // Storsalen
22:00 // Lyche Bar opens // Lyche
22:30 // Concert with TKS and TSS // Blackbox

Wednesday 14.08
16:00 // Edgar opens // Edgar
17:00 // Samfundet's history in 30 minutes with a guided tour // Vuelie
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
22:00 // Concert: Trang Fødsel // Storsalen
22:00 // Lyche Bar opens // Lyche

Thursday 15.08
16:00 // Edgar opens // Edgar
17:00 // Samfundet's history in 30 minutes with a guided tour // Vuelie
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
21:30 // Concert with S. Møller, and Kjellerbandet // Skala
22:00 // Lyche Bar opens // Lyche
22:30 // Concert with Strindens Promenade Orchester, and Knauskoret // Vuelie

Friday 16.08
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
21:30 // Concert: Chris Abolade // Storsalen
22:00 // Lyche Bar opens // Lyche
23:59 // Concert: KND Collective // Vuelie
00:30 // Storsal Disco // Storsalen

Saturday 17.08
21:00 // Toga Party! // The whole house
22:00 // Concert with S. Møller, and Kjellerbandet // Skala
22:00 // Lyche Bar opens // Lyche
23:59 // Concert: Nye Normalen // Vuelie

Monday 19.08
16:00 // The restaurant at Lyche opens! // Lyche
16:00 // Edgar opens // Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
22:00 // Float Club // Storsalen

Tuesday 20.08
16:00 // Lyche, and Edgar open // Lyche and Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
21:00 // Comedy show: To be announced later // Storsalen

Wednesday 21.08
16:00 // Lyche, and Edgar open // Lyche and Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
21:00 // X-Russefest // Storsalen
22:00 // DJ set // Skala

Thursday 22.08
16:00 // Lyche, and Edgar open // Lyche and Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
21:00 // Stand-up show with Henrik Fladseth // Storsalen
22:00 // Sagtann x Feber (DJ set) // Skala

Friday 23.08
16:00 // Lyche, and Edgar open // Lyche and Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
22:00 // Wrestling show with Norsk eliteWRESTLING // Storsalen
23:59 // Concert: Funk for Forest // Vuelie

Saturday 24.08
16:00 // Lyche, and Edgar open // Lyche and Edgar
21:00 // Samfundet opens! // The whole house
23:00 // Live Karaoke Band // Storsalen
23:59 // Concert: Moshi Moshi and the Moist Band // Vuelie

Events at the Student Society can be adapted for visitors with movement and hearing impairment. See here for more information.
