Area | Vuelie |
Organizer | Lørdagskomitéen
Lørdagskomitéen (LØK)
Date | 7. September 2024 |
Time | 23:59 - 00:59 |
Ticket | Ticket included with entrance |
Age limit | 18 (student), 20 (non-student) |
Malik // 23.59
Malik kommer til Vuelie!
Malik was born and raised in Bergen, where he believes the rain falls first. In his music, Malik aims to shed light on the challenges of growing up as a Norwegian with a minority background in Norway. His goal is to make his mark on the Hip Hop genre with his own approach that reflects who he is. In less than a year, Malik has made a remarkable impression as an artist on the Norwegian music scene, performing at gigs like Øyafestivalen, Vill Vill Vest, and Trondheim Calling.
Events at the Student Society can be adapted for visitors with movement and hearing impairment. See here for more information.