
This job belongs to a closed admission, i.e. an admission that is either old or not yet open.


Job as Gjengmedlem
This is an indication of how much work this job amounts to. A gjengmedlem is expected to work 10 hours a week, while a funksjonær is expected to work 20 hours a week. In comparison, funksjonærer have more benefictions than gjengmedlemmer.
at Leisure Suit Lovers
Leisure Suit Lovers (LSL)

Leisure Suit Lovers needs one trombonist

Leisure Suit Lovers is looking for a trombone player. LSL mainly plays disco music, where the horn section is a central part of the sound. We are looking for someone who enjoys being social, contributing musically, and playing in a horn section. We are seeking someone who has played the trombone for several years and has experience playing in ensembles such as a horn section, school band or big band. In LSL, it is desirable that you can play without sheet music and are comfortable performing simple dance moves while playing. We expect that you can play the trombone well, as the focus is on ensemble playing and good music. Therefore, we ask you to send a video of yourself playing. The video can be a short clip or a recording you have made in the last 6 months. Send the video to

Apply for this job

Ready to apply?

Write a little bit about yourself, your motivation for applying and your qualifications for this job. You don’t have to send in a full CV or references from previous employers - a short text is enough. We look forward to hearing from you! When you have registered as an applicant, you can log in and check the status of your applications. If you apply for more than one job, you must prioritize which one you want the most. Note that you will only be offered one job.

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