
This job belongs to a closed admission, i.e. an admission that is either old or not yet open.

ARK member

Job as Gjengmedlem
This is an indication of how much work this job amounts to. A gjengmedlem is expected to work 10 hours a week, while a funksjonær is expected to work 20 hours a week. In comparison, funksjonærer have more benefictions than gjengmedlemmer.
at Akademisk Radioklubb
Akademisk Radioklubb (ARK)

Do you want to learn about walkie-talkies for grown-ups?

Have you heard of amateur radio, or ham radio? Would you like to try establishing a connection with ISS? Have you ever been in the electrical waste scouting for goodies?

Then we want you for Studentersamfundet’s “Akademisk Radioklubb”! We hold the oldest club license for amateur radio in Norway and have since 1923 been a club for radio amateurs and students who would like to learn more about radio. No previous knowledge is required, and you get to be a part of the only club at Samfundet with social antennas.

Every semester we organize an amateur radio license course so that you can get your own call sign. We are a social club with many different interests, including project Mondays, trips in the forest with portable radio equipment, board game nights, and much more! As a member, you also get to utilize and borrow equipment from our well-equipped workshop.

For more information, please see [](

Apply for this job

Ready to apply?

Write a little bit about yourself, your motivation for applying and your qualifications for this job. You don’t have to send in a full CV or references from previous employers - a short text is enough. We look forward to hearing from you! When you have registered as an applicant, you can log in and check the status of your applications. If you apply for more than one job, you must prioritize which one you want the most. Note that you will only be offered one job.

You must register before you can apply!
