Area | Hele huset |
Organizer | Lørdagskomitéen
Lørdagskomitéen (LØK)
Date | 22. November 2014 |
Time | 21:00 - 02:00 |
Ticket | Ticket included with entrance |
Age limit | 20 years |
Christmas Tree Party
Are you looking forward to Christmas? It's this term's last opening weekend, and Samfundet exploites this opportunity to pre-celebrate Christmas with a little Christmas tree party.
There will be:
Viewing of "Home Alone" at Klubben
Live music in Klubben and Rundhallen
Porrige eating and mulled wine in Klubben
Photo stand, where we'll crown the best costume of the evening
And plenty more!
So don't stay at home and get eating up by exam depression, you won't be able to study on a saturday anyway. There'll be lots of fun at Samfundet!
Events at the Student Society can be adapted for visitors with movement and hearing impairment. See here for more information.