Yes, at you'll find a database of supported hardware. If you find hardware not on this list, or know that the status has changed, contact me (olegil at and we'll see about including it. Note that all the info you see there is useful, so try to fill out all the comments typically used on the site in an email to me.
No. Having a swap partition is not the reason why you need to shut down those other systems, so it won't affect how AmigaOS can be shut down by simply flicking the switch. I mean the Excute/Mode/Ready.
Press F12 + G in one go to lock the mouse pointer to the UAE window. Or try out mousehack, which is distributed with UAE (typically /usr/share/uae/tools/mousehack under Linux). It's an amiga program that makes the mouse follow the X mouse pointer.
This is a bug in the Picasso96 emulation. Stick with ECS for now :-(
Richard Drummond has fixed this, except for a small bug when using 32b P96 on 32b X. So if you can live with that, but want to try out the rest of his features, go to and download the version you need there. He now provides debian packages for both Woody and sid (which currently should be ok with Sarge as well).
in any shell, and it'll tell you which version it is, which version of GCC it was built with, and some extra info that might come in handy some day.
deb ../project/experimental main
, but you'll need to use packages from unstable in your Debian as well... Just upgrading the whole shebang is often as good as just upgrading parts, so change every occurence of "stable" in your /etc/apt/sources.list to "unstable", and delete the entry (since there's never security patches for unstable, just new fixed versions).
G4-XE module dips: x6 off off on off, x8 off off on on.
G3-XE module dips: x6 on off off on, x8 off on on on. Remember to short the jumpers as well (or you could end up with 0.5 too much (6.5/8.5).
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
. Nothing else. Manual overrides are possible if you know what you're doing.
More on this later, for now see: Apt-Pinning for Beginners
Other useful tips: a value of more than 1000 (possibly including 1000) will FORCE these packages to be installed. This is used for DOWNGRADING from one distribution to another. It can some days be a LOT of work, but should work if you do enough iterations of apt-get dist-upgrade
and apt-get -f install
setenv bootargs $bootargs hdc=ide-scsi
To file: tar -C <directory> -cl(|z|j)f <path-to-filename> .
. The "." (dot) is important. To unpack this: tar -C <directory> -x(|z|j)f <path-to-filename>
. No dot.
For moving things from one place to another, replace the filename with "-" and pipe one commands output into the other "command 1 | command 2". Eg backup of /usr, for moving to a separate disk (remember to go to single user mode first with init s
, so the directory doesn't change when working on it. And complete the whole thing before leaving single user mode). The new partition for use as /usr is mounted on /mnt. tar -C /usr -clf - . | tar -C /mnt -xf -
Sbk | Raddr | Caddr | MB | |
1 | 11 | 8 | 8 | |
1 | 11 | 9 | 16 | |
1 | 11 | 10 | 32 | |
2 | 12 | 8 | 32 | |
2 | 12 | 9 | 64 | |
2 | 12 | 10 | 128 | |
2 | 12 | 11 | 256 | |
2 | 13 | 11 | 512 | |
2 | 13 | 9 | 128 | |
2 | 13 | 10 | 256 |
Refer to the following table:
Pin 1 | Pin 2 | Pin 3 | Pin 4 | Pin 5 | |
USB3 | +5 | -d | +d | gnd | xxx |
USB4 | +5 | -d | +d | gnd | shl |
Here, 'gnd' is data ground (uses an actual wire), 'xxx' is a missing pin, and 'shl' is shield ground. If your connectors have the shield ground it will look like an ugly wire as it's shrink tube over the USB cable's braided shield, twisted to act like a wire. I didn't use pin numbers because I don't remember the exact numbering scheme, but if you use the missing pin as a reference you should be fine. I'm not sure if it really makes a difference, but the row with the shield connection is USB3 and the row with the missing pin is USB4 (note that this entire header is controlled by the BIOS variable 'usb1_enable', and the two backplane connectors are controlled by the BIOS variable 'usb0_enable'. To enable the motherboard header either use the BIOS menu, or manually type 'setenv usb1_enable on' and then 'saveenv'. (Note the case.)
Either: In UBoot, set the environment variable bootargs
to include the phrase l2cr=0x80000000
. Zero, x, eight, seven zeroes.
Or: In Linux, the kernel L2 driver can be controlled via the interface /proc/sys/kernel/l2cr
. Just read the ascii string from the interface using cat /proc/sys/kernel/l2cr
. If you want to change it, just overwrite the hex value with a new one with echo 'hexcode' > /proc/sys/kernel/l2cr
. Enable with hex code 0x80000000, disable with 0x00000000.
OS4 will probably enable this by default.
The variables are:
Lack of VGA card will set stdout=serial and Ctrl-F12 on PS/2 keyboards will set stdin=ps2 and stdout=vga (lack of VGA obviously overrides the latter). The option amikbd is for the PCI Catweasel, you cannot connect an Amiga keyboard to the PS/2 input.
You'll need to set some variables in UBoot. Here's a list:
setenv bootdelay 2
setenv preboot menu
setenv bootcmd diskboot
This way, the countdown will be replaced by a progress bar, and if you don't interrupt it, the parameters that only exist in the menu program will be set and the machine will boot as normal.